Sunday, September 10, 2006

Our Children's Future

by Hugh Lipsius

What we pass along to our children, our grand-children, and even our great grand children will determine the eternity for this generation.

Whether they call us blessed for the great things that we have done for their future...the way we have sacrificed to provide for their needs...or what they will curse us for...for what we robbed of their lives, their dignity, and their abilities to go on...will detewrmine how, as spiritual souls, we will live on into eternity.

If called blessed for standing up to the powers and principalities of this world, that these not take away what is good for towards their own greed and self-satifaction...or a curse for standing mute in the face of greed, avarice, unrighteousness, corruption, arrogance, violence and the evil way...will determine our place in the Book of Life.

No matter what it will be in the end, what you do, or don't do...say, or don't or become...will be on the conscience and thoughts of many generations from time yet to come.

You decide...your eternity waits.